Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Day -7

So they count the days differently from what I can tell. All the chemo days are negative days, my reinfusion of cells is day 0, then I begin to count positively after that. There will be a total of 8 chemo days: 4 days of Busulfan and then 4 days of Cytoxan.

So I am on day - 2 of Busulfan. In conjunction with the chemo, they give me plenty of anti nausea and anti seizure meds (a side effect of Busulfan are seziures). Side note about the actual pills they give you; there are 4 of them at a time but each one is a capsule with like 5 pills in it. So it's like taking 20 pills to get the dose. I have to pop all these pills plus my pre meds every 4-5 hours a day. All in all the medicine makes me tired an a little light headed.

Staff here is great but I can never get used to them coming in around the clock to take blood, give me pills, check my vitals. So much for Dave being jealous of me getting full nights sleep. It isn't happening here.

The food - well let me say I have had two hospital meals and that is already two too many. They are strict about the temperature of food brought in from home....I need to figure it out so I can import my mom's home cooked meals. Good news is they don't automatically put my on the neutropenic diet. I can enjoy fruits and salads!

It is the little things that can just change your entire day- mine is a nice green apple.

Dave plans to bring the kids by tonight for a visit. I am excited to see them and happy they will be able to visualize where mommy is for the next month.


Anonymous said...

Heather, I am thinking about you.

Kelly said...

Hi Heather~
I work with your Dad in the communications division. He keeps us posted on your progress and passed on your blog info. You are continually in our thoughts and prayers here, and we have a "lucky rock" that your dad has invoked quite a bit this year to "assist" in your healing. Have a great New Year and keep up your spirits. We are all quite confident that you will have a completely successful recovery. Tell your father to pass on some photos of your little guy.