Monday, November 8, 2010


Only got one picture at Halloween - I am definitely dropping the ball with taking pictures these days.
Alex was something star wars - of course! Charlotte was silver mist (Tinkerbell's friend) and Lee is a scary dude. They got a load of candy and I need it out of my house ASAP.


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, I stumbled onto your blog while Googling "radiation myelitis". I also have this due to radation to my spine for a tumor from my stage 4 breast cancer. I would love to chat via email. You can reach me at

Hope to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,

So good to see a happy up-to-date photo of the kids!Louise does keep me posted with photos.

I do keep checking your blog to see how you are getting on!? Hope to read something positive about you soon!


Kristen said...


Wow! Charlotte is cheer leading and Alex is HUGE!!! Lee is a big boy- wearing such a scary costume for Halloween!!!

I'm glad the Zs had a nice vacation :) I always think of you... I miss the old days when I would roll out of bed on campus and make my way over to MD to take care of the little zs' morning routine. I remember when Charlotte flipped when I gave her a bowl of cereal... she wanted TWO cereals mixed!!! :)

I'm thinking of you and hoping you're kicking radiation myelitis in the butt!! You are such an amazing woman and mom!! I haven't seen you in years and you always cross my mind...

Sending lots of love and prayers,

Kristen ~ your old babysitter from the Silver Spring, MD days :)

analogkib said...

My nerdy husband says that your "something star wars" is Boba Fett... I guess it's something you should know according to him :)