Saturday, June 28, 2008

Great news!

Still no evidence of disease to report - awesome news. I am thrilled since this last test freaked me out because of all those other findings by the neurologist.

The PET is indicating that my thyroid is toast just as they suspected would happen due to radiation. I will follow up soon but am excited to think there is a reason I am gaining all this darn weight.

Me and the little z's are headed to my dads to camp and hang out for the 4th with family. Enjoy your holiday!


Anonymous said...

Your mom called me with the good news. I am so THRILLED for all of you. Love, Laura Colker

Jessica Jordan said...

Have a great time in AZ loungin' by the pool and exploring. We are SO happy about the test results. Hugs & Kisses to the little Z's. Thanks for sharing "grandma" with us for the 4th. Tyler can't wait for snuggles with Great Aunt Linda. ~ Jessica

Anonymous said...

So happy about the good news!
Have a great time!
All 12 of us Maiers are off to a villa in Tuscany to celebrate our "Golden Wedding"!
Love to you all, Edna

Anonymous said...

Heather-that is such good news. What a huge relief! I look forward to getting a ton of pictures when you return from your Dad's.

Enjoy yourself!!