Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting lazy with this blog

I realize my posts are getting more infrequent as therapy drones on. Don't get me wrong I like therapy and get excited once I am there to see progress and possibly some new movement. But, you knew there was a but, it is just downright painful some mornings to get up a 6 a.m. let alone come home to do anything but crash before the kids get off the bus. I welcome my small breaks over the next couple of weeks.

Everyone knows that I am a huge Christmas decoration person; something that my chair and deadbeat legs don't seem to understand. Stringing lights and the wheelchair isn't a good match. Thankfully my dad decorated the outside and my mom decorated the tree while I got my Avastin drip. Don't even ask about the Avastin debacle on Monday. Let me just say it was an all day affair at Hopkins and I am not a happy camper on those days. Brings back memories of the transplant - yuck!

So as Dave was driving to NYC on yet another work trip we talked about how even though the house frustrates us to no end, Dave's travel is a big logistical nightmare now that I am in the chair, and we never seem to have time to ourselves we do need to be grateful. Grateful that Dave has a job in this crappy economy, grateful that our kids are healthy, we have a roof over our heads, and grateful that I am at home and not in the hospital. A reminder that God is good.

We do always have one happy place that puts all 5 of us at ease - West Virginia. My mom's cabin has become a second home. It is all one level, I get to sleep in a real bed, my chair fits through the bathroom door, Dave gets to sleep in, we take naps, read books, and don't stress about keeping the house tidy for showings. My mom built the kids a tree house and they love to hang out in the great outdoors. Or just play with toys and make forts inside -whatever their hearts desire.


Kibbie said...

At least you have a good excuse :) We haven't put anything on our website since October 11th not even pictures of Ian who looks completely different now.

I think about you a lot here and still say when you are ready bring the troops to my house. You can sleep in a real bed here too :)

Jean said...

Hi Heather--
I'm Jean from the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. Our organization helps BMT patients and survivors cope with the social/emotional challenges of transplant by providing information and support services. We found your blog through google blog aleerts.
I'd like to invite you to visit our web site, for additional information about our programs, including "Celebrating Second Birthdays" survivorship recognition. If you email me at with your mailing address, I'd like to send you one of our Help & Hope bracelets.
All the best to you and your family during this beautiful holiday season.

Anonymous said...

Here's to wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

All the best - Sheila J.