Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Oh how do I love Solu-Medrol! As I posted before I finished up my 5th course on Saturday. Sunday (without meds) my symptoms were back in full force and these past couple days have been bad with weakness, burning and numbness. The doctors have prescribed 3 more days of Solu-Medrol and I am such a happier camper. As I sit in the comfort of my own home and watch the medicine drip I feel better. This stuff rocks.

My home nurse said some people do a 3-5 day course every month - forever. Not sure it that is the best possible solution and I am making time to follow up with the docs to see what else is out there. I am happy to know that there is at least a drug that works. Hopefully we can maybe find something a little less potent to take over the long haul but in the meantime I will continue my love affair with solu-medrol.

I wonder what my post in 3 days will be coming down from this - probably cursing it and wanting more. Oh well I guess I can only take things a day at a time.

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