Thursday, June 21, 2007

Follow up on Alex

Alex's pediatrician called late last week and reviewed his test results from Children's Hospital. He has a grade 2 urine reflux and the doctor recommends that we test his urine every three months to make sure he is still infection free. He will NOT have to be catheterized every three months instead they will have him pee in a bag. Our doctor is very much against catheterization and will try collecting urine with a bag first. Alex will learn to love this guy once he can comprehend what is going on. We will have to monitor Alex's urine for about 2 years.

So hopefully he can remain infection free and away from that awful test at Children's forever. None of this however slows down Alex. He is getting a lot better at pulling himself up and contemplated taking a step this morning.

Lee's preschool had their end of the year party and presented him with a graduation certificate. I still can't believe his is going to kindergarten in the fall.

I have developed a cough and the doctors want to see me at Hopkins. It is either a side effect from the radiation or I caught it from boating in the bay. I am hoping it is just from the boating but will see what they say. If it is from radiation they mentioned wanting to use steroids. I HATE steroids and will avoid them at all cost. My test is next week to see if the cancer moved. Keep the prayers coming that it is nothing! I just don't think I have the energy to battle this cancer anymore. I just want it to go away for good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness....Alex has grown up ......again! Glad we will be there mid July so we can see him in action. Besides, Jess says it is good for us GIT's (Grandparents in Training) to spend time around babies! are always in our thoughts and prayers...go for the gold next week! Hugs to you and yours xo Aunt Joyce