Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Charlotte does not have a UTI - rather she got an owie on her leg that hurt when she went to the bathroom. GEE WHIZ the girl is a drama queen. We also had a bit of a power struggle getting her back to school. She finally went back today (Wednesday) but it didn't go down easy. Charlotte is definitely my most stubborn child and she knows exactly how to push my buttons. I love her but we have our moments.

The kids and I joined the pool so we can beat the heat this summer swimming. Also a good source of entertainment while Dave is travelling. He is gone pretty much gone every week on business travel. We miss him but are managing just fine. At least he is home on the weekends.

Alex is busy crawling and getting into everything. He doesn't want to play with anything I put out for him but instead goes for electrical cords, books, and big kid toys. He has is own agenda. He has had his own agenda since the day he was born. Lex does what he wants to do when he wants to do it.

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