Wednesday, January 9, 2008

more steroids

I had an appointment with the lung doctor today. I had hoped to go up, get checked, and be removed from the steroids for good. On the other hand I had a poor breathing test, he hears more crackles in my lungs, and he increased the amount of steroids. He also ordered a scan for the next day or so to check things out. So I am going backwards and not forwards with these lung issues - drats! I am breathing easy and don't need the O2 support so that is good news. However he says I need to be on the steroids for another month. In another month I will seriously have 3 chins, chipmunk cheeks and pack on another 10 lbs.

So hopefully the additional month of steroids will get rid of the inflammation in my lungs for good. I will post if anything comes up on the scan.

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