Wednesday, February 27, 2008

good grief!

Yesterday involved 2 doctor's appointments for me....first to confirm with my ENT that I have a sinus infection. He doesn't think (that I had assumed) my infection is just back because I am off the steroids. However it is a lovely side effect from my sickness over presidents day weekend. Supposedly viral infections can linger and turn into other such nonsense! How many times must I pay the price for my obvious poor judgement last Valentine's day - exposing myself to every germ out there. So another round of meds ordered by my ENT. I must say once again that I LOVE my ENT. He got to meet Alex for the first time yesterday. Without this doctor finding my cancer who knows what would have happened. I am getting off track.

Next (unscheduled) doctor's trip yesterday was to my regular doc which I do not have anything nice to say and will leave it at that. However I had to make a run to her office after shutting (yep not just slamming) my finger in the truck door. Dave is still wondering how I managed to do it - I blame it on seriously low energy and lack of good sleep. So they think I sprained it but not broken. And oh yeah don't use the finger (on my right hand) to lift anything. Please I have 3 children. And by the way get an x ray to make sure it isn't broken....sure in all my spare time.

I am done with doctors for the week and will get the x ray once Dave starts to holler and the thing turns blue. Otherwise I am steering clear of the white coats before the next round of appointments is upon me.

Alex and I have been visiting Grandma this week to help her recover from her surgery. I get be the nurse and not just patient for once. Dave is heading out to CA this weekend for a week long trip. Not much else to write plus I need to lay off the gimp finger - what a dumb ass I am.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lungs look good

Music to my ears - my lungs look good. The doctor isn't putting me back on steroids and everything sounds great. So I need to watch for symptoms since there is a 20% chance it can come back. But in the meantime I am free of meds....well almost. My sinus infection is coming back so my doc is helping me with that until my ENT appointment next week. Hopefully the sinus infection clears up quick and I am a healthy woman.

My next PET scan is coming soon. Where does the time go?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Supposedly the flu is going around....wish I had heard that before I managed to expose my self and get sick! I took the kids up to CT to visit aunt Michele for what looked like an action packed weekend. Visions of trips to the beach by her house, the aquarium, see Nana (dave's Grandma) and go into the city to buy toys at the biggest toy store. Everything started out great then Saturday morning Charlotte and I were hit with sickness. Poor girl was soooo excited to go see her Aunt and was sooo disappointed to have to stay in bed all weekend. I guess the positive is I got a lot of close personal time with Char. Not exactly the one on one time I was searching for but hey - its still counts! I have realized with Alex getting older the challenge with having the 3 kids is giving them enough attention and one on one time; but that is talk for a parenting blog I suppose.

Thank god my sister is the BEST big sis in the entire world and drove back to MD with me to help me out this week. Yep surprise surprise Dave is traveling. I have an appointment tomorrow with my lung doc so she can watch the kido's. Poor doctor is getting to see me in crappy shape and with a list of drug requests. I should get some more anti nausea meds (who wants to suffer), my counts must be shot because I am getting mouth sores (fun fun) and could use some valtrex, and my back is killing me from lifting the littlest z and I want pain meds! I was asking Michele how I made it through all that chemo and transplant and she reminded me I was heavily medicated - yep and I need to make sure my meds are fully stocked. Winter is not over yet and I have managed to get this throwing up sickness twice already. I think I need to resort back to holing up in my house until all the bugs settle down.

Amongst all this excitement Dave's brother had a baby boy born on Valentine's day. There seems to be a lot of Feb. birthdays. Why do family's always have baby’s bunched up?

So looking forward to getting better and hopefully a gold star for lung function tomorrow. Will post any updates soon.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Obama baby

Alex and I went to the Obama rally here in MD today. Alex was such a trooper and hung out for such a long time waiting on the big man. The crowd began to get really loud, doing the wave, and cheering. Then Obama came onto the stage and the crowd went wild. It was at this moment I realized that Alex LOVED the crowd and I think he thought they were cheering for him. He was waving his arms and was utterly joyful. I told him maybe someday he could fill a stadium but today wasn't it. Then in typical Alex fashion he went from cutie pie to little devil and we had to leave.

Walking away I was obviously moved by the speech (what I got to hear that is) and the enthusiasm of the crowd. But to be honest I was just thankful that I could attend. I have come a long way from being exiled to my home, banished from my own kids, and holed up in my bedroom.

Life is good - thank god.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a good family picture

life with alex

10 random tid bits about the littlest z.......

1. he is obsessed with the vacuum. he actually enjoys it when i clean and is starting to run to the vacuum and try to stick his fingers in it.
2. he loves his feet. he takes his shoes and socks off all the time. i could sit for hours and play little piggy and the kid would be in heaven.
3. he dances at the drop of a hat. he even dances to my ringtones on the cell phone. his latest dance move is a stevie wonder type sway.
4. he will randomly try to do the splits.
5. the boy loves a bath and understands now when i tell him to get undressed.
6. like all men he is obsessed with his penis.
7. at times i am convinced he loves maple more than me.
8. the only word he says consistently is "more" - such the baby
9. he has taken to throwing his sippy cup out of his crib when he is finished. something charlotte, his new roommate, doesn't appreciate at 6 a.m.
10. he is the true italian out of all the kids - he can eat more pasta with sauce than the others.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hate this disease - cancer sucks in a big way. A women that I discovered on a blog lost her fight to hodgkins. A reminder that this is in no way shape or form the "good" cancer. I really want to meet someone that agrees with that statement.

I need to pull out the old cancer is my bitch t shirt tommorow. Feeling the need to give the disease my middle finger.

Monday, February 4, 2008

No news is good news

I have no new medical news to report and that is good news for me! I am almost done with my steroids (again) and the cough seems to be staying away. Okay coughing just a bit but Lex did have a bug so maybe that is it. So send your prayers my way come Thursday - I will be trying to kick the steroid habit again and hopefully this time it takes.

We have actually been hanging out as a complete family unit lately since Dave was home for a whole 2 weeks straight. He leaves again tomorow and the travel grinds on again. But it was nice while it lasted. Lee is doing really well in school, Charlotte is aspiring to be a cheerleader (I think she could be Michele's kid), and Alex is adorable but the WORST sleeper in the entire baby world. Come on already - almost 18 months and still waking up at night!

Lot's of photo opps coming up this weekend - hopefully I will remember my camera and get some new pictures of the little z's out to everyone.