Supposedly the flu is going around....wish I had heard that before I managed to expose my self and get sick! I took the kids up to CT to visit aunt Michele for what looked like an action packed weekend. Visions of trips to the beach by her house, the aquarium, see Nana (dave's Grandma) and go into the city to buy toys at the biggest toy store. Everything started out great then Saturday morning Charlotte and I were hit with sickness. Poor girl was soooo excited to go see her Aunt and was sooo disappointed to have to stay in bed all weekend. I guess the positive is I got a lot of close personal time with Char. Not exactly the one on one time I was searching for but hey - its still counts! I have realized with Alex getting older the challenge with having the 3 kids is giving them enough attention and one on one time; but that is talk for a parenting blog I suppose.
Thank god my sister is the BEST big sis in the entire world and drove back to MD with me to help me out this week. Yep surprise surprise Dave is traveling. I have an appointment tomorrow with my lung doc so she can watch the kido's. Poor doctor is getting to see me in crappy shape and with a list of drug requests. I should get some more anti nausea meds (who wants to suffer), my counts must be shot because I am getting mouth sores (fun fun) and could use some valtrex, and my back is killing me from lifting the littlest z and I want pain meds! I was asking Michele how I made it through all that chemo and transplant and she reminded me I was heavily medicated - yep and I need to make sure my meds are fully stocked. Winter is not over yet and I have managed to get this throwing up sickness twice already. I think I need to resort back to holing up in my house until all the bugs settle down.
Amongst all this excitement Dave's brother had a baby boy born on Valentine's day. There seems to be a lot of Feb. birthdays. Why do family's always have baby’s bunched up?
So looking forward to getting better and hopefully a gold star for lung function tomorrow. Will post any updates soon.
I am hoping for a big gold star for you! Kids love any time you give them-don't start overthinking it!!
Hooray to Auntie Michele for saving the day. I hope you are all feeling better soon (& that the rest of the fam does not get it!). Heather & Michele, so glad you liked the video on our website. It makes me cry too Michele, and I have seen it a dozen times. :) I posted a picture of me with Tyler today just for you two! You know how it is, the mom is always the one behind the camera. Can't wait to see Michele soon and hoping to get a visit some time in the near future with all the Z's.
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