So I took the oldest two z's with me to vote today. Navigating a busy intersection, "standing" in line, and waiting took an hour and a half. Surprising since we live in a state that is definitely blue. The wait time I experienced was short compared to what others had in the morning from what people were saying in line.
I am constantly amazed at how many barriers there are for people in wheelchairs. I was crossing our main street and since my loner chair sucks I couldn't do a wheelie to get over the curb. A nice man in a car stopped to help me but if he hadn't I would have had to wheel up hill the long way around in oncoming traffic. Also the church we vote at (my church) has the line in the upper parking lot...since I am a member I rang the bell and they let me take the elevator. If I didn't know this existed I would have had to wheel all the way around - total pain. Lastly the voting booth guy let someone else in front of me use the accessible machine. Once he saw me he asked if I could just stand to vote - DUH I am in a wheelchair because I cannot stand! So we had to wait even longer to get to the accessible machine.
Life can be so frustrating in a wheelchair. You run across great people that totally help and then without a doubt you run across someone that has no clue. When I do walk again (pray to god) I will not forget what this chair has taught...I have learned more than anyone can imagine.
I'm glad you voted but find it unbelieveable that someone would even ask you to stand while you are in a wheelchair! People can be so rude! Good for you, though, not letting anything stop you!
The same thing happened to a lady here when I was voting only the person who was offered the accessible voting booth thought enough to look around and say no thank you when he saw that there was actually a person there who needed to use it.
I want to see pictures of the kids at Halloween, and when you are up to it lest start planning our Austin trip because I'm ready for more visitors!
Nothing is going to slow you down!! You are amazing!!
What I found amazing when I was wheel-chair bound was how many people either treated me as if I were deaf and shouted their questions VERY SLOWLY at me, or asked my family what I wanted as if I could not speak for myself. Good for you, showing your kids that it is important to go vote, even if it is difficult. That is an important lesson you imparted yesterday! Juli from Portland
Hello Heather,
As always I really look forward to reading your "wise" words!
You never cease to amaze me!!
Good luck with your house hunting. Another "obstacle" which I'm sure you will manage to overcome!
You show such strength and determination! You are a woderful example to your children and to us. I am happy and proud you were able to vote, no matter the obstacles and the stupidity of some (God's garden is really big). As I toled Michele, you and your family are made out of titanium. Keep thinking positive! I pray you will walk soon. Judit (Michele's friend in TX)
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