Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Carrie out there?

This post is in reply to Carrie that published a comment to my blog. I would love to get in touch and share my experience with the radiation myelitis - can you send me your email address? I am at heatherzeitlin@yahoo.com.


1 comment:

Jessica Jordan said...

I hope you guys connect ... sounds like you have had very similar paths! ~ Jess
PS: Have you watched any of that Hopkins show on ABC? I imagine NOT since you probably want as little as possible to do with that place during your free time! Anyhow, I watched it online. It was cool to see your "digs" off and on the last couple of years. It was a good show ... but they should have portrayed way more nurses :)
PPS: Right now I am so thankful for the little fish crib toy you gave Tyler. He has decided that it is really great to wake up at 5:30 in the morning. I have decided that he can chill in his crib for a while and watch the fishies. Thankfully that plan seems to be mutually agreeable this morning.