Sunday, October 14, 2007

feeling better

i managed to keep up with the family part time this weekend - much better than before I got in to see the lung doctor. i even went on a walk to the playground with everyone. i am back to those little steps again. hopefully i can keep the good momentum going and ditch these oxygen tanks again. i begin to taper the steroids later this week......another test to see if i can sustain a decent lung function on my own.

i have to call up the ent this week and see about getting these tubes out of my ears. i am sick of not being able to get my ears wet. such a pain in the butt.

the kids are doing good. alex is walking everywhere now. charlotte is giving dave and i a run for our money with her stubbornness. lee is doing great in school and getting really good at soccer.

my mom and sister are still helping out tons with the kids and feeding us. any weight i lost with this recent set back will quickly be put back on with my mom's cookies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Oregon...where the liquid sunshine is about to arrive "for the season". Great pics. Glad you are beginning to see improvement from the meds. We are looking forward to "borrowing" you mom for a couple of days for her conference here in Portland. Promise to return her before the cookie jar is empty or the banana bread all gone :). You should see your cuz....she is definitely pregnant.... Sending good thoughts to all of you...hug the kiddies for me. Aunt Joyce