Today I learned that the rehab folks would like to release me in October! I was totally bummed out since I thought I was a short stay. I understand that the longer I am here the stronger I will get but an entire month away from Dave and the little z's breaks my heart. On top of this crappy news my symptoms are worse and my so called good leg I cannot wiggle like I used too. It makes physical therapy so hard because my condition is a moving target. My therapist is wonderful and said we will just keep moving forward, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Dave is helping me focus on what I can control (my upper body) for now and try not to get down.
They gave me a different chair to try out for a couple days. I continue to progress to a better and better chair. This one helps me sit up straight and not slouch. Since my symptoms effect my lower abs, balance and sitting up-right is a workout in itself. Even taking the measurements for my final go home chair was a workout.
My doc has the game plan to get the second dose of Avastin on Thursday. I get a day trip to Baltimore so that will be nice. My therapist also said they will ask the docs to allow me to go home every Sunday to test run real life and see the family. It will probably take every ounce of will power to not just stay home for good.
I also get a roomie tonight - sucks. I will have to step up the sleeping drugs and ipod. Maybe I am a bitch but I just don't feel like chit chat with strangers these days.
I will get through this - this shall pass.
Sounds like some tough news, but you are strong and will get through this. You are right, the longer you are able to focus on your PT, then the stronger you will get. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be away from Dave and teh little ones, but you are never far from them. Youa re always in their thought as they are in yours. Hopefully the Sunday trips will work out and you will get some well deserved family time.
Hang in there!
You aren't a bitch. Roomies suck. The Sunday visits sound great--maybe you can convince them to spring you for the whole weekend? As always, sending good wishes, thoughts, prayers, mojo, karma, hugs, etc., etc....
Love, Nikki and Paul and the boys...
Heather, you are so amazing! I wish I was as strong as you are. I agree with nikki, you are definitely not being a bitch. Small talk with strangers gets old fast. I would definitely read or listen to my ipod too!!! I'm praying for the Avastin to be your magical miracle drug and fix everything!! xoxo
Hey Heather,
No need to apologize. It's alright to feel teed off. Who wouldn't? Really?
Hopefully, your new roommate will be relatively quiet and friendly.
Sending lots of love. :)
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