Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Living at rehab.....

I am trying to establish a routine and it seems to be getting better. I wake early to begin the day with an hour of undress/bathroom/wash/dress routine. I successfully put on my shoes yesterday and today. Sounds like a little deal but it is huge for me.

Then I am off to physical therapy, group therapy with other paraplegics, lunch, recreational therapy, occupational therapy, and finally end the day in the gym lifting weights. I have a pass to eat my lunch in the cafeteria and the food is so much better. I managed the salad bar on my own but ran out of steam for soup. You don't realize how high those soup holder things are until you are in a chair. Let alone it is just a challenge working around a cafeteria with a tray, other people, and the wheelchair. Finally end the day back in my room with dinner and another long bedtime routine.

Tomorrow is my second round of Avastin at Hopkins and mom and I leave bright and early. Wish me luck and pray for no complications.


Anonymous said...

I'm sending all my love/all I've got your way!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, Just got a chance to check in on your progress. Louise emails me and has been keeping me up on your progress. I'm praying for you to soon be home with your little ones. I love the pictures. They all are just so adorable. Keep your faith, Iknow you will be home soon with your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Jane- Weesies best friend.

Jessica Jordan said...

Wow, they keep you busy. I guess it will make the time go by fast. Have a good day trip to hopkins. ~ Jess

Anonymous said...

If they keep you that busy you will not have any time for tracking down dirt on Ms. Palin! Or does that count as mental therapy??!! Will try to call today or tomorrow as weekends are most likely the "dull" time and I know it is your Mom's board meeting weekend. Love you lots. Aunt Joyce

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hi, Heather: Anne came by the office and shared with us what was going on in your life. I am so sorry that you are going through so much pain and frustration. After you left and got married I just pictured you having babies and living the ideal life. Your children are beautiful and I'm sure they are what keep you going. Fight the good fight and don't give up. God does listen to prayers, only sometimes not in the way we expect. I will keep you in my prayers and if there's anything you need that I can do for you, please let me know.
