Monday, February 19, 2007

Day +34

GREAT news today! Well some mixed bag news but still great news.

I had a CT to check on my phenomia. It is still there and my docs are putting me on a new antibiotic to clear it up. I also have the beginnings of an ear infection which the new drugs should kick as well. I managed to bang my right ankle and have some nasty big bruise that is puffy....didn't even know about it until they found it today. Gotta love how thorough these folks are. Finally the GREAT news the scan they did to check the lungs of course ran over the cancer mass....and they report there is shrinkage in my mass. This is amazing! It still is too soon to be even scanning me for this stuff so it's like an extra special side note that it happened today. Other great looks like insurance will pay for radiation treatments are Hopkins! Almost 99% but won't commit until I have that lovely approval letter in the mail.

More good news. My liver functions are all down (the direction they need to be going) and I am operating on a normal level for all but 2 specific functions. I have dropped more weight than I think I gained at this point and my docs are taking me off my diuretic meds.

I ate a meal yesterday (thanks Mom) which is news in itself these days. I don't think I have had a real meal in weeks. I think slowly my appetite might bounce back. I am still on orders for a low sodium diet. In all reality I think I am never going back to the normal sodium level. As I told my uncle Keith today....if I have to give up salt forever to be in good health than goodbye salt shaker. No sweat off my back.

My other counts dropped (they need to go up) but they think it's the phenomia holding up their rebound and this new drug should help. Amazingly I have held onto my last platelet transfusion for about a week. As a reference I was getting them daily in the hospital so this is good for me.

Also some possible spectacular news! I have this rash spreading all over my belly, legs, and arms. Sounds weird but it is somewhat possible that it could be Graft Vs. Host Disease (GVHD). This is something that happens to true bone marrow transplant patients and it is a good thing; a sign that the new immune system is taking hold. It is rare in auto transplant patients (what I had) - about 20% chance. But we know my odds; I am always on the rare end. Overall what this could mean is that my immune system is really kicking butt and hopefully killing this cancer big time. My docs are still not positive so don't get your hopes up just yet.

My hopes are sky high and Dave is worried but I just can't help myself. I needed some good news and today we got some. Even if I don't have the GVHD my mass shrunk! It shows shrinkage on a CT scan something I have NEVER gotten. They have only seen reduced activity on PET scans never shrinkage on the CT. I am giddy that this crap is working once and for all. I believe that 2007 has to be my year, my time has to have come, these prayers around the world are working, I am gonna beat this stupid cancer.

I often pray just for the strength to get through the day and it's like god has given me some sign that I do have the strength, he is walking beside me, and this is going to come to an end one day.

Well I get a day off from the joint tomorrow (sigh) and then back again on Wednesday. Of course it means laying low, no fevers, and steering clear of the sick kidos but I can do that to stay out of the joint.


Anonymous said...

Alleluia! Your Mom called as she was leaving your house this evening and she, too, sounded like a kid in a candy store with $10 in the pocket! No one I know deserves this good news more....and for me it means we double those prayers and keep the train on the track to a cancer free Heather! Papa Lee would have said "smile...and the world smiles with you" The world (and probably Papa Lee) is smiling with you today. Amen! Aunt Joyce

Paul said...

What no salt?!?!? I mean, Heather, that's great for you...I mean low sodium diets are healthy. But isn't there a ying and yang to consider? Zeitlin's (to say your Husband) lives on salt. Ack! Now what :) But we all no your health and long-term being is more important!! In all seriousness, it's great news and even greater to see you getting a few things to somewhat normal status. Hopefully we can all get together real soon. I mean you said a lot, still trying to wrap my head around the whole salt thing!!

Anonymous said...

Whoo-Hoo!! Hooray for you!! We are all so happy that everything is on the upswing and all the counts are good, the mass is down and that the rash is growing! Sounds funny to be happy about a rash - but we are! We continue to pray for you every night and think about you constantly. You are an amazing woman and are going to be out of the "joint" for good soon!

We love you!
Tom, Dina, Kendal and Jackson

Anonymous said...

Great news. Prayers do bring miracles. Hope all continues to be good news and I am continuing to be a prayer warrior for you.
Delma (Louise's friend)

Anonymous said...

Praise God for this amazing news! I'm all for doubling the prayers to keep it rolling like my mom said. By the way, thank you for your reminders of the value of taking everything one at a time, enjoying every minute with your family and out of "the joint." Your perspective can't help but rub off on all of us, and we could all use a reminder of what is really important and what can wait from time to time. It is so easy to take the little things for granted. Each time I think of you (which is very often), I remember to be thankful for all of the good things in my life and slough off all the bad. It's amazing how doing that makes the day just so much better. You really are an inspiration, thank you! Love, Jessica
PS: I liked seeing your name in the sand too :)

Anonymous said...

Great News!!!
I am glad the crap is working too! 2007 is going to be your year! God is walking beside you, every step of the way. I can feel your giddiness and it makes me giddy. You are truly an inspirational person. My girls ask about your progress often. They feel that if you can endure what you have then they can definately do the little things they complain about in their lives. We are supposed to be helping you to be strong but I think your strength is helping us be stronger better people. Your inner strength is contagious.
I am so glad to hear your good news. Stay strong and keep on fighting!
We will continue to pray for you and be inspired by you.
Love Tina

A said...

Glad to hear you are doing better and that the HD has shrunk. I also had a stem cell transplant -- mine was 7 months ago. I contracted pneumomia 2 months after my SCT and it took almost 3 months to clear. Beside the fatigue that takes a little longer to go away, things do get better. Keep the faith and again, congrats on the good news.

Best Wishes,


Lisa Enright said...

Awesome news Heather! I will keep the prayers for well wishes and strength coming your way. Enjoy your day off from the "joint."

Anonymous said...

Just ran across your blog as I sit here in Children's Hospital of Philadelphia with my daughter, Laura, who is recovering from her allogenic stem cell transplant. We ended up staying here longer than usual due to a stage 4 GvHD skin rash. She got the worst case they've seen in quite awhile. We implemented a new skincare protocol that many children will benefit by in the future. I'm sure the crazy T cells that decided to attack her skin chased down every last cancer cell too! If you do get a bad case of skin GvHD with the dreaded blisters, email me at and I'll share our experiences. Keep eating and smiling!