Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day + 35

I have had a good day off from the hospital. I spent it resting, taking a walk, working on a baby blankie for Alex, and puttering around the house.

I don't know if you all follow Alese Coco's site that I have marked on my page but if not it's a heart wrenching story. Her family has sent out an urgent request for prayer to get her through a very rough time today. If you have the time, look at her site and add her to your thoughts and prayers. She is in mine always - I just pray that she gets a break sometime soon.

I have been on the web community alot today and just marvel at what everyone else has been through, is going through, and amazed that they are so strong! It gives me such inspiration that I too will get better and beat this disease.

It's good to reach out of my little shell sometimes and draw upon the strength of others that have forged ahead of me with this disease. Those that are going through treatments as I speak and those that have kicked their cancer into remission.

Thanks to everyone for their support. I feel it around me always.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the good news I love your site and your blog cheered me and shines with hope.

God Bless you,

kathy Coco

Anonymous said...


I'm so happy to hear of yesterday's good news! We'll keep up the prayers. Best wishes tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,

I've been traveling this past week and didn't have an opportunity to drop you a line - but I thought about you every day. I am so glad to read that you are seeing progress. Talk about kicking butt, everyday is another victory, even the not so good ones!! cd