Sunday, May 6, 2007

Shingles on their way out

My shingles began to feel better by the end of the week - meds must have finally kicked in. They are still on the move a bit but as long as they don't hurt I am happy! I just have to wear long sleeves around Alex and I should be able to avoid the whole chicken pox outbreak.

The kids had swimming class this weekend. They are both doing great and love the water. A women that works at the Y just finished up her treatment for breast cancer. It seems like cancer follows me wherever I go these days. I wonder when I will be the normal mom taking the kids to swim class.

Lee also had his orientation for kindergarten this fall. I can't believe he is getting ready for school. He is very excited and can't wait to shop for his school supplies and new backpack. I don't know how ready I am for kindergarten but there really isn't any choice is there.

Back to the hospital this week for some blood work. Alex will also have a follow up appointment this week to make sure his UTI is gone.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hang in there Heather! Miracles do happen! Lots of love to you all.
Aunt Linda