Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Well I have shingles. This is the pits cause they hurt. I have them on my chest, upper arm, and back. I started the medication and hopefully it will stop them from spreading any further and reduce the pain. I had to negotiate to take a Tylenol in the evenings for pain.....they still don't want me to mask any possible fever. I won and actually get to take 1 pill before I go to bed. They would rather me take the oxycodeon which I absolutely hate. I despise being all drugged up. How could I respond well if something happened to the kids.

I also need to stay covered up around Alex since he could catch chicken pox if he comes in contact with my shingles. I would feel just awful if I gave him chicken pox. Alex is still taking his antibiotic for his UTI and hasn't developed any more fevers. He is such a cutie pie again smiling at everyone and flirting with the ladies. Leland was the same way - a big flirt and babe magnet. What is it about baby boys that is so intoxicating to women?

Well hopefully the shingles clear up fast and the pain goes away.


Anonymous said...

Okay, things come in 3;s...shingles, UTI and low counts...now the three are out of the way lets move on to the good news! Keep smiling....and I like that new crop of hair in the one pic in the slide show! Joyce

Anonymous said...

Heather, so sorry about the shingles. We pray for your everyday. Glad you are moving through everything one day at a time - hang in there. Know we think about you and keep you in our hearts.

+Pastor Miller and the Saint Luke family