Friday, March 2, 2007

+45 roller coaster counts

Another day at the hospital and more low counts. I was so excited that they were coming up on Wednesday but today they are back down. I will most likely get a shot to help boost my system on Monday when my doc is back in the office. I am getting a little discouraged since it seems like my body takes its sweet time to recover from things. I had hoped for a break from the joint before radiation began but it just doesn't look like that is going to happen.

Plenty to be thankful for so I need to remind myself to live in the moment and move on.

Good news is I don't have to return to the hospital until Monday; another weekend to rest and enjoy the family.

I will update Monday with any news.


Anonymous said... now you have to put a picture of Maple on to get the whole family introduced around. Sorry about the counts but glad you get the weekend off again. Slow to heal means your body is getting the job done right! Hugs around to all. Aunt Joyce

Anonymous said...

Who's Maple, and how could you forget him/her/it?!
Just want to say hello and that we're still out here pulling for you. Thanks for the pictures. Don't get discouraged -- enjoy your weekend off at home with your family.
Love and prayers,

Kibbie said...

I'm choosing to believe that your body taking its "sweet time to recover from things" is much like weight loss... a little at a time means better life long success!

Plus we all know that the best things in life are worth waiting for (even though the wait can be hard!) Just look at your kiddos..they are proof!
