A lot of news to report from my visit to the hospital today. My counts are all coming back except for those pesky neutrophils. They are still in the 450 range. My docs are changing my meds around a bit thinking that one of them is holding up the show. They are also discharging me from the in-patient-out-patient center to the strictly out-patient center. It is located on a completely different floor so I get a change of scenery! Also, since I shouldn't be needing any more blood products (transfusions) I can drive myself to these appointments and give Louise a break from carting me around town. They also say it is time to get my nifty catheter out on Friday. This is a good milestone since it should mean I won't be needing fluids and blood products. But I must admit I have enjoyed not getting stuck with needles these past 3 months. With the removal of the catheter comes pricks.
I don't have to go back until Thursday for my radiation consultation appointment and discharge class. After Thursday I can report on the radiation plan in more detail. From what the radiation doc said originally this should be about a 4-6 week process.
They are also setting up my 60 day workup appointment. They will rescan me to measure the mass and do a bone marrow biopsy. I questioned doing the biopsy since I have never had cancer in my bones previously. Supposedly they check to make sure they didn't introduce cancer to my bones when they gave me my cells back with the transplant. Didn't even know that was a freaking possibility! I am sorry I ask these questions sometimes. So now I am sweating that test and it's results. Before I was just dreading the pain associated with that big fat needle going into my bone.
Overall I feel like today was a turning point. I am leaving the floor that I was admitted and have spent so much time these past months. It is time to look forward towards radiation and leave the daily transplant nonsense behind me. Sure I am still a bald headed, mask wearing, holed up in my house freak show but I need to come to terms with the fact that this is just my life right now. Sure they will monitor me weekly but hey it's not daily! This too shall pass. I will be able to throw away my masks and go out in public again one day.
I just need to remember I am alive, I am not in the hospital, I get to hug my kids, see my husband, and be home. Home is good.
Congratulations Another milestone! And that radiation will zip along quickly.... and it will be spring and you will be outside with the kids, Dave and Maple having fun! Aunt Joyce
Great news Heather! Every step of the way gets you closer to the end of all this. I think of you all the time and wish you more good news daily, extra long hugs from the kids, and extra wet kisses from Maple. Love the pictures too, keep 'em coming.
Laura P.
Yes, home is very, very good. Love, Jessica
Heather.... it is so great, after what you have been through, that you remain positive/optimistic and even can allow the sense of humor to creep back. Hopefully, the east coast has seen the last of the bad weather so that you and Jet Blue can fly right!
John Cornyn
Hey Heather...
Glad to hear all of the good news. Hope things keep going your way. Thinking about you and your family...I will continue to pray for you.
I'm glad to hear you're home! You are amazing! I work with Michele in Moscow, and she has always spoken about you in superlatives of greatness and admiration.
You have a lot of people in Moscow rooting for you, Heather! It was great to log onto your website and see a photo of your beautiful smile! Best wishes, Kim
Dear Heather,
I am so happy to hear the good news. It will be so nice for your to be at home, with your family. I will keep following your progress!
Yes, Moscow is rooting for you!
Lyuda, Michele's friend
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