A journal to keep everyone up to date with my Primary Refractory Hodgkin’s, radiation myelitis, and the little Z’s.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Darn fevers
Well I managed to catch a fever and I am stuck here for at least another 48 hours. Nothing much more to say. I am down, my spirits are broken, and I hate the hospital.
Oh, Heather, I am so sorry for the delay! But, know that it is only a short delay! You are doing great- I've been following your progress regularly and I am amazed how fast and well you are progressing! So, take heart. Hang in another couple days, knowing that it will soon be behind you. We are all pulling for you! Barb F at NIST
This definitely sucks, but you can make it. Remember that even with this delay you are still on the fast track! Can I send take out to your hospital room?
Hi, That sucks!!!!!! No other words to describe it. Don't give up, you have been an inspiration to me with your positive attitude and energetic spirit. I hope this time passes quickly for you and you get to hug your beautiful husband and wonderful babies soon in your own living room!!
January Conceived our third child Began to display symptoms of Hodgkin's - night sweats, itching, swelling, shortness of breath
March Diagnosed with Hodgkin's and began 6 cycles of ABVD Pregnant with cancer - what luck
August Delivered Alex on August 28 PET Scan on August 31 - results that the ABVD did not reduce my tumor re-diagnosed with Primary Refractory Hodgkin's
September Consultation with NIH and Hopkins - recommended that I have 2 cycles of ICE then Stem Cell Transplant (SCT).
October PET Scan results that I could get the SCT
November Had another cycle of ICE while waiting for transplant (3rd) Began SCT process
December Final cycle (4th) of ICE Unable to mobilize stem cells and waiting for bone marrow harvest
January Harvest bone marrow from bones under twilight meds Admitted into hospital for SCT; new birthday Jan. 16
February Released from hospital - 2 days later back with VOD Final release on Feb. 14 (happy v-day)
April - May Radiation treatments
June PET scan to see if treatment & SCT worked - it did and I am cancer free!
July Hospitalized for pneumonia and missed Charlotte Marie's 4th bday. On oxygen support
August Alex's first birthday - can you believe it!
September Returned to work part time Lee started kindergarten
October Diagnosed with BOOP - out of work again Back on oxygen support and steroids Resigned from job to focus on health
Jan. 1 year anniversary of SCT - still cancer free
April Diagnosed with radiation myelitis
July/August Lost moblity in lower extremities - wheelchair bound. Using Avastin to try to stop progression of myelitis to my arms and hands
Oh, Heather, I am so sorry for the delay! But, know that it is only a short delay! You are doing great- I've been following your progress regularly and I am amazed how fast and well you are progressing! So, take heart. Hang in another couple days, knowing that it will soon be behind you. We are all pulling for you! Barb F at NIST
Gosh that hurts! I was just as excited for you as you were!
Very sorry Heather! A couple of more days after all you've been through is nothing! Hang in there!
Thanks for the "What to bring to the hospital" Very helpful.
This definitely sucks, but you can make it. Remember that even with this delay you are still on the fast track! Can I send take out to your hospital room?
That sucks!!!!!! No other words to describe it. Don't give up, you have been an inspiration to me with your positive attitude and energetic spirit. I hope this time passes quickly for you and you get to hug your beautiful husband and wonderful babies soon in your own living room!!
Thinking of you all the time,
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