Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day -3

Another round of cytoxin down - 2 more to go and then hopefully I am done with chemo forever. This stuff is getting pretty wicked so I won't write long. I feel like I am moving in a fog and my mind is mush. I also gave me some crazy nightmares.

I doubt I will be up for scrap booking today. Probably watch a lot of mind numbing tv to pass the time.


lzeitlin said...

Hi Heather,

Sorry, you're filling like "mush," but just remember this all a means to an end.

Dan and I enjoyed our visit with you last evening, we hated to have to leave, would loved to have stayed longer, but we could see you were getting tired.

Of course, we'll be out to see asap.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

Hello H.Z.--David's Granny/my Mum's initials!She too was very "positive" & "SPECIAL"!

Hoping that this DAY6 gets better & that DAY 7 will be much better!

Wish I wasn't 3000 miles away & could "pop" in to see you!I know that Dan & Louise are "with you" all the way!

Much love from the oldest "original" Zeitlin, Edna