So last night was rough and I am just now in the world of the living. I ran a fever, got no sleep, then the chemo came on. I keep getting these crazy sinus problems - which they say are normal. It feels like your sinuses are burning. They finally found the right pain medication and I got a couple hours of sleep this morning.
My doctors are not worried about my fevers. They suspect it is my white blood cells dying. I don't know why mine have to be so melodramatic about it. Whenever you get a fever in the hospital as a chemo patient they have to run blood cultures from my catheter and then poke my arm to make sure it's not an infection in the line of the catheter. This all takes place around 2 AM and I can't get any Tylenol until the nurse is through with the cultures. So I am praying my fever doesn't return this evening.
Good news is tonight is my last night of chemo!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know how bad it gets after they re infuse my stem cells but I will just be happy to be done with cytoxin.
Also realized I was numbering my days all wrong today is -2. Monday was -8 and you count down to 0; then back up again. Hey I never claimed to be the swiftest with numbers.
Funny - all I asked for for breakfast was Cheerios w/milk. I got a full fledged bacon and egg breakfast with coffee cake and 2 juices. I think the kitchen feels like I should be eating more.
Hey Heather, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers -- I really wish there was more I could do for you. YOU have more courage and strength than anyone I have ever met and it humbles me. I look forward to seeing you soon. Remember God is always on your side. Have you found care for the baby when you're in the clinic?
Heather, stay strong! I'm going to follow your postings as I approach where your at real soon. Gosh, I really feel your pain with regard to your kids and leaving them. I have three (older)kids 20, 17 and 15, a 4-month-old grandchild, my 75-year-old mother and one cat and dog that live with me that I have to leave behind. I'm self-employed with no disability policy and I pray daily that God will provide. I will be 6 hours away with very little help. Needless to say I find my self a bit depressed/anxious/overwhelmed thinking about the whole process of SCT and recovery. Good sermon in church today and after reading some of your older postings, I know I have to take one day at a time and be strong~taking comfort that God is in control of ALL Things! Romans 8:28
Blessings to you and your family!
Hi Heather
Found this after you posted on the HDlist. You're in my thoughts and I hope you'll soon be out of there and on the road to recovery, cancer free.
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